The ranch was purchased in 1926 by the Frank Koehler Family and was called Valley View Stock Farm. The Frank Koehler Family raised cattle, sheep and pigs. All calves were fattened at the farm and driven to Guysville where they were sold and loaded onto railcars. Sheep played a large role in keeping the landscape neat and free of brush; of course the wool was also sold.
Franks sons, Wayne (Rob’s grandfather) and Nial Koehler operated the farm thru the 1970’s. An abandoned township roads runs thru the Farm, along this road; A one room school house still stands (last attendance about 1915), During the 1940’s and 1950’s, a Limestone Quarry was operated along this road, house foundations and hand dug sandstone lined water wells are still dotted along this road. It is quite a sight in the spring to see all the Easter flowers marking the home foundations! Apple trees still bear fruit from long ago orchards.
The 1980’s and 1990’s and thru the turn of the century Rob’s parents operated the Farm.
All of the original cattle barns are Post and Pin, dating to the late 1850’s.

A log house/barn once stood where our new horse barn is located (see pictures of building the barn)
